Attack on Titan is an anime filled with intense action, gripping storylines, and unforgettable moments that have left fans on the edge of their seats. Here are seven of the most memorable scenes from the series.
Eren's mother's death - The first episode of Attack on Titan sets the tone for the entire series with the heartbreaking scene of Eren's mother being devoured by a Titan while Eren watches helplessly.
Eren transforms into a Titan - In a shocking turn of events, Eren is revealed to possess the power to transform into a Titan, making him humanity's greatest weapon in the fight against the Titans.
Levi vs. the Female Titan - This thrilling battle showcases Captain Levi's incredible combat skills as he faces off against the formidable Female Titan, one of the series' most intense and memorable fights.
The reveal of the Colossal and Armored Titans - The jaw-dropping moment when Reiner and Bertholdt reveal their true identities as the Colossal and Armored Titans, respectively, completely changes the course of the series and leaves fans in shock.
Erwin's final charge - Commander Erwin's self-sacrifice during the battle against the Beast Titan is a powerful and emotional moment that demonstrates his unwavering dedication to humanity's survival.
The basement reveal - After years of mystery surrounding Eren's father and the basement of their former home, the truth is finally uncovered, unveiling a dark and complicated history that forever changes the series' narrative.
The ocean scene - Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and the remaining Survey Corps finally reach the ocean, a long-awaited and bittersweet moment that symbolizes hope and the vast, unknown world that lies beyond the walls.